Help! KRC4 Unhandled Error

  • Hallo all,

    I'm facing a serious problem with KUKA KR6-2 Robot. Last friday it was suddenly shows an unhandled error.

    After I click "OK", it's go back to the Windows desktop with "SmartHMI has stopped working".

    Can anyone help me solve this confusing problem?

  • What Kss version are you using?

    What was the robot doing when the error appeared?

    Have there been any changes made to the system in the last few days? or perhaps software updates?

    After reboot does the error come back and if so when during boot does it appear?

    Every problem has a solution, that isn't the problem. The problem is the solution.

  • The KRC4 version is 8.3.35.

    When this error appeared, robot was doing nothing, just stop there.

    Before this error appeared, I just depolyed an WorkVisual project to the robot via KLI, about I/O mapping between KRC4 and Beckhoff product. There is no system software updates for several months.

    Yes, I have already rebooted dozens of times, but no help.

    Here is a clue:

    when I connect my smartpad with other KUKA robot, it works fine;

    when I connect other KUKA‘s smartpad with my robot, there is still this error.

    So I think the problem is KRC4, but I don't know how to fix it. :frowning_face:

  • What is confusing about the error? Did you read it and try to understand what it tells?

    How much clearer it could be?

    It very clearly states why KSS does not want to load:

    1. It names troubled file

    2. It says what line in file it has problem with

    3. It says why it has problem with it - duplicate entry

    So just restore problem file with one from the backup you collected before making changes.

    Or read the file and correct it by hand if you understand xml.

    Otherwise simply restore working image that was collected just before changes were made.

    Either way, resolving this will rely on how prepared you were before making modifications.

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

  • Btw problem is not the smartPad, it is the content of the hard drive that is no longer ok. You may reboot as many times as you like but same content will be read every time and result will be the same until problem file is fixed

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

  • Problem is with Your SmartHMI.user.config file.

    It probably gone corrupt after last WoV project deploying.

  • Btw problem is not the smartPad, it is the content of the hard drive that is no longer ok. You may reboot as many times as you like but same content will be read every time and result will be the same until problem file is fixed

    Thanks a lot for your help. :smiling_face:

    I will try to modify the file today.

    Sorry for my incorrect question format.

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