Fancu Robot with positionierersto manipulate userframe,

  • I created user frame for robot GP1 wrt GP2, I have a measuring plate on GP2 where I measure my robot user frame.

    1)      I want to shift this user frame by X 400mm and Y 400mm, when I try to shift by direct entry method adding to the current userframe values it creates a new userframe wrt to worldframe, How can I shift my userframe origin.?

    2)      I want dynamic userframe coordinate axis directions same as my static userframe, If I try to change and rotate my Dynamic userframe by direct entry it works only when positioniererGP2 is in Zero Grad, If I rotate positionierer then it moves in crazy directions J

  • ravitejagali

    Changed the title of the thread from “Fancu Robot with Twopositionierers to manipulate userframe,” to “Fancu Robot with positionierersto manipulate userframe,”.
  • User frames are always relative to the world frame. To translate a user frame relative to is calculated orientation you have a couple of options.

    Option 1. Leave the User frame alone and instead apply an offset to each motion that needs to be offset.

    Option 2. Use matrix multiplication to modify the user frame by an adjustment matrix. Then store the result into a new user frame.

    The matrix multiplication method was discussed in this post:

    Rotating a User Frame by its own Z axis

  • Hallo HawkMe,

    Robot Static userframe I can get somehow as you said with offset or otherway,

    but dynamic userframe if I try to change Z grad it works, but I want to change X +90 Grad and Z -110Grad and it doesnt work.

  • I'm not sure but maybe CD Dynamic UFrame option (R845) can help you.

    Instead of follower (robot) points being saved in absulute form, they are saved in relative.

    With this option you can than use OFFSET instruction for example.

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