Hello guys,
I got an external axis recently, after a week setting up, I'm still having a very annoying issue that I can't find here, because I don't know how to name it. Basically is well oriented when E1 stay in zero degrees, but when im doing a roughing waterline and rotate E1 for a better positioning is when the craziness comes. Thats why I'm leaving 2 links with a video and maybe you can help me to solve this. Also I want to share with you the settings I'm using.
Tool: X434 Y-0.648 Z89 A0 B90 C0
E1 ROOT POINT: X2191.359 Y-2.155 Z484.897 A-0.102 B-0.417 C0.057
I had to modify this variable as shown because E1 was rotating CCW+, this way is rotating CW+.
$RAT_MOT_AX[7]={N -185,D 1}
Many thanks in advance for helping.