Im using vision to pick up a part .
I have few simple motions
TriggIO TriggVac, 50,\DOp:=do16_VacOn, 1;
TriggJ Offs(pPick,0,0,50),v7000,TriggVac,z10,tPointer\WObj:=wobjVision;
MoveL Offs(pPick,0,0,PartHeight),v1000,fine,tPointer\WObj:=wobjVision;
pTemp:= CRobT (\Tool:= tPointer \WObj:= wobjvision);
Movel RelTool(pTemp,0,0,-50),v3000,z10,tPointer\WObj:=wobjvision;
All this works fine. From here I want to go to a mid point (between pick and place) BUT I want to keep the rotation (axis 6).
Remember that I Just pick a part and the angle was giving to me by the camera
I have this
There is a column that I need to avoid. QUESTION: How do I get to this point with the orientation of my last pick up ?
MoveJ\Conc, pInteference, vmax, z100, tPointer;
Approaching place
MoveJ\Conc, pAppPlace, vmax, z100, tPointer;