Runing programs directly from a FTP server?

  • I need to run programs that are very big. The problem is that there is not enought memory to transfer all the JBI files to the controller. I have looked into the FTP options and I'm able to connect to a FTP server and load the files from there.

    What I really need is to be able to run the programs directly from the FTP server without having to load them first. Is this even possible or does any of you know how to solve this problem?

    I'm using a dx200 and MH24

  • Hi

    May I ask why loading necessary jobs isn't sufficient?

    I use LOADJ and DELETEJ instructions to automatically load and delete jobs, as there isn't enough space to store all of them in the controller (DX200). Not using FTP though.

  • Hi

    May I ask why loading necessary jobs isn't sufficient?

    I use LOADJ and DELETEJ instructions to automatically load and delete jobs, as there isn't enough space to store all of them in the controller (DX200). Not using FTP though.

    Where du you load them from? An usb?

    I will have to look into the LOADJ and DELETEJ command but just off to top of my head I cant really see how it works.

    M_print.JBI is like this:


    CALL JOB:Print3D

    CALL JOB:Print3D2




    I run then M_print.JBI and it goes to job Print3D

    Will the LOADJ be as the first line in Print3d and the DELETEJ as the last?:

    LOADJ xxx

    MOVJ C00000 VJ=50.00 PL=1

    MOVL C00001 V=200.0 PL=1




    DELETEJ xxx

  • As far as I know you can't use LOADJ to load from a USB connected to the pendant. We use a product called YasXfer, it connects to the controller via ethernet, but you should be able to use a PC as well.

    You have to load the job before you can call for it.



    CALL JOB:Print3D



    CALL JOB:Print3D2





    If you have a lot of different JOBs you call for then I'd use Notepad+ or similar to just add the LOADJ:xxx before CALL JOB:xxx and the DELETEJ:xxx after it - I'm pretty sure it can be done.

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