Connecting controller to internet

  • I'm trying to configure my controller to connect to the internet. I'm trying do do some IoT type of work. I've done the following:

    • Gotten a router that assigns addresses in the 192.168.10.x range (my controller gets .28)
    • Restored a kuka image from the usb key
    • Run kukahardwaremanager to get my network adapter
    • Run Sunrise on a laptop to install/synchronize my ip and projects

    At this point:

    • have 2 network adapters: one is assigned to my .28 address but does NOT have a default gateway, other is assigned to and has a gateway of
    • from laptop: ping my controller and ping the internet
    • from controller: ping my laptop, can NOT ping the internet

    I figure I'm missing something pretty simple. I've tried quite a few things and none of them worked:

    • added the router as the gateway for the .28 network adapter while keeping the other one active
    • added the router as the gateway for the .28 adapter while removing the other one
    • changed the to be the router

    How do I set up a default gateway for my .28 address?

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