Hi All,
Newbie question, so I hope you don't mind and thank you in advance for your help.
We are using a teach pendant to program a 200ic robot. On the end we have a simple spray gun, the TCP for which is offset 150 mm to the left of the centre of the attachment plate. We are trying to spray paint a spinning hemisphere directly in front of the robot.
Using the TP I can easily program forward/back, left/right, up/down movements when the tool coordinate system is pointing in exactly the same direction as the world Coordinate System. However, to avoid singularities I have to angle the spray gun to spray at an angle of around 20 degrees to the WCS i.e. slightly from the side. I angle the spray gun by defining a change in (ya)W in the taught positions. However, I now need my x and y translations to have rotated with the Tool coordinate system, but when I program the same simple orthogonal movements as before my x, y and z translations are still moving in the WCS directions as before (or I suppose the User Frame as this is still defined as matching the WCS). They have not rotated with the Tool System as I would expect.
I don't understand why the program movements have not rotated with W. I have defined the Tool Coordinate system as the relevant system but it appears to still be using WCS or a related system. I do not want to redefine the User coordinate system as every time I add or subtract yaw from the spray gun I would have to redefine the UCS.
On a kawasaki I simply program in AS and it takes 2 minutes, but using the TP on the Fanuc I'm pulling my hair out as it strikes me I'm missing something very simple.
How do I ensure that the robot uses Tool coordinates? The manual does not cover this, describing only user and world. When I teach points I can only teach in User or world. Is there a way of linking a user frame to the tool frame so that it automatically rotates with the tool head at all times