Hello members of the robot forum. Long time reader, first time poster.
Long story short, so please bear with me. I am an integrator working on Arc Mate M20Ia robot, v8.30. The cell has been developed for some time now and we just ran 50 parts last Friday for 2 different part types. One program uses about 40 PRs to ultrasonic weld and the other has 48 PRs to perform toy tabbing.
This morning I was asked to run the cell for 1 of the part types and it caused a crash on the first few spots. I went in teach mode to see if my taught points are still where they should be. To my surprise, the EOAT went to the same spot as previously taught, however it was over travelling on my Z axis by 20mm. All the points that previously worked last Friday have now been exhibiting the same issue, including programs that havent been touched for weeks.
My question is, is there a system variable or a similar way to program shift that could potentially modify all my PRs only on Z motion? Anything at all that could simultaneously affect all the PRs that use different TCPs, but all are based on User Frame 0 - World frame.
If it has nothing to do with TP programming, would a mechanical problem on the robot could cause such an issue?
Thank you