How do i adjust this position?

  • Hello i have a robot with a DX100 controller. Robot is picking up pipes from a pallet with a magnet.

    It starts in one end, and keeps going along the pallet only addding X to the P-variable.

    What i cant figure out is where he adds approx 270 to the X value each cycle.

    Here is the program where he calculates the position:

    And here is a bit of code of the robot pick program:

    What id like to adjust is how much he adds to X value in the P20, and also adjust the first picking point in the pallet.

  • What i cant figure out is where he adds approx 270 to the X value each cycle.

    GETS PX020 $PX011 // Get the position in pulse of Reference Point 1.

    CNVRT PX020 PX020 UF#(1) // Convert the Reference Point 1 position to XYZ based of User Frame 1

    GETE D020 P020 (1) // Get the X element of P020 and place into D020.

    SET D020 EXPRESS D020 + B004 * 273000 // Overwrite D020 with where D020 originally was + (part number on * 273 mm). This is what you you would adjust for spacing.

    SETE P020 (1) D020 // Set that number back into P020

    The point you want to adjust in the position in REFP1.

    Word possibly of warning. Some people (me) may hard code the reference point in a startup on init job. Changing the reference point itself may cure your problem until the startup or init job is run again.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • Move the robot to the vicinity of the pipe pick up position.

    Move the cursor to the address side of the line that has REFP 1 instruction. On the pendant is the 0 key that is also marked REFP.

    Press the REFP key. The Edit Buffer Line should say REFP 1. With servos on, press and hold the REFP key and the FWD key. This should move the robot to the currently taught position in the Reference Point.

    Jog the robot to where you want. I'm guessing this would be the first pipe pick position based on the program.

    With servos on, press the REFP key so REFP1 shows on the Edit Buffer Line. Press the MODIFY key. Then the ENTER key.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • Standing on the line that says "REFP 1 P011" i did everything following instructions from above.

    Everything has worked up until im about to save the new position.

    "With servos on, press the REFP key so REFP1 shows on the Edit Buffer Line. Press the MODIFY key. Then the ENTER key."

    It gives the alarm 2220. Translated from swedish it says: "Show the instruction wich is to be changed"

    (Visa den instruktion som ska ändras.)

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