Need help to find DH parameters

  • Hello,

    Could you help me to find the DH parameters of the following kinematic please?

    I tried to calculate the coordinates of the point O6 with the values shown in the table below but the result is not correct.

    I suppose the alpha angles are not correct.. Or maybe I have not set the axes orientation well.. I am only sure about Zi

    Joint values (Theta) are all 0° for the kinematic as drawn here.

  • Hi, what kind of robot is this? Those frames look crazy! Do you have a picture of the robot?

    CPh and I ended up discussing the details of IK in my thread on converting between Joint and Cart Rep here:

    Position Converter - Convert from XYZWPR Rep to Joint Rep and Back

    Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source!

    Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here!

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