Hello KAWASAKI Guys ,
We are working on an ARC WELDING project using KAWASAKI BA006L robot with KEMPPI A7 Machine .
We are writing the overall program using AS language (Not by Teaching) .
Everything is fine except the touch sensing option .
We start using the XAC function & it is working fine as expected .
We are using touch Pattern 4 (3 Points) .
The issue is :
- At the time we are teaching the robot the welding path points ; How we can inform the robot that following touch points are the references for future welding ?
- Assuming that we have changed the work piece by new one & touch sensing performed by the robot ; How we can get the corrected points (Transnational or Joints) or the deviation values ?
- In the ARC welding Manual we found the instructions of RARCWMDP , #GET_ARC_WMDP & #ARC_WMCV but we don't know how to use them to save reference touch points and to get the deviation for every new workpeice .
It will be highly appreciated to get any suggestion or sample code about using touch sensing in AS language .
Thanks in advance .