How to backup automatic robo fanuc arc mate 100ic / memory to set up:Socorro:
How to backup automatic robo fanuc arc mate 100ic / memory card
daniel.piton -
September 9, 2019 at 2:22 PM -
Thread is Resolved
September 9, 2019 at 2:29 PM Changed the title of the thread from “How to backup robo fanuc arc mate 100ic automatic / memory card” to “How to backup automatic robo fanuc arc mate 100ic / memory card”. -
what controller do you use ? Rj, R30 ? Older controllers have different backup routine than newer ones.
ArcMate100iC is R-30iA and newer. Are you looking to automate backups to the memory card (MC)? What event do you want to use to trigger performing the backup?
Go to the File menu and press F1 [Type] and select Auto Backup.