I have an SDA-10D robot (DX100 controller) and I am using it to follow 3D paths. I have no offline simulator, and I am writing jobs offline and uploading using USB. So I program the toolpath, upload it, and hope the arm will do the moves without having any singularities.
When I specify coordinate points, the options are x, y, z, Rx, Ry, Rz and Re. Before I execute the toolpath, I wont know how the arm will move so I am just leaving Re as zero. But this is essentially locking the E axis and making the arm 6-axis. Which makes it more likely that there will be a singularity.
So the question is: Is there a way for the E axis to be "freed up" without me having to give it any extra info except tool tip coordinates? I understand that adding the 7th axis means that there are a whole lot more elbow positions possible and that the controller needs to be told which one is desired. Is there no automatic function to change elbow position if the arm is approaching singularity?