49. WoV need feature to wrap long text lines. for example spline ILFs and declarations are monsters
50. And a way to see in WV how the code will wrap when displayed on the pendant. It's a minor thing, but it really affects code usability by amateur users, when you're trying to create deployable software packages.
51. Autofill in WV that actually works. Half the time, when I start typing a variable, the "auto-fill" box pops up blank and empty.
52. Search (and replace) functions in WV's KRL editor that work reliably. Far too often, I can see the variable I'm searching for, and the Search function will keep reporting "not found." The Search also doesn't reliably wrap about at the bottom of a file, either. And the Replace function often leaves several instances untouched, while also replacing partial matches in the wrong places, even with "Whole Word Only" checked off.