Password not working weld pro

  • What I've done in the past is to init start the robot in roboguide, save the now empty password file off, drop the empty file into the backup, and recreate the cell. I'm sure there is a less complicated way of doing this, but it is what I've found that works.

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  • I have a backup from robot and nothing in Roboguide right now..

    So you asking me to create the weld cell in the weld pro without backup

    then save this fiel

    and then upload the backup into it from the floor

  • What I've done in the past is to init start the robot in roboguide, save the now empty password file off, drop the empty file into the backup, and recreate the cell. I'm sure there is a less complicated way of doing this, but it is what I've found that works.

    I went till Init Start but did not get how to save empty password file and then how to drop it into the backup

  • Once you have your robot in roboguide, init start it to get it back to a clean slate. Then, using the file menu in the robot, save the password file (I think it is something like, or Once saved, it will be in a folder in the roboguide cell (typically YourRoboguideCell\Robot_1\MC or something like that), then copy that file into your backup folder you took from the real robot, and when you recreate the robot using that backup in roboguide, it should come in with no passwords.

    Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source!

    Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here!

  • Do we have to go out of Int Start window by function - cntrl start or Continue in the same window and save password file??

    also i am not able to save the .sv file to MC folder..

  • 简单来说,就是用一个没有密码的文件覆盖你原来有密码的文件 。如果涉及到什么 麻烦! 通知,我会删除。

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