Can't trigger Macro when main program is running.

  • Hi everyone,

    During my internship I was given a task to write a program which would automatically change robots path after entering DCS. I created Cartesian Position Check (CPC), connected that CPC to Safe Peripheral Output(SPO) and mapped those signals to DI/DO' so I would be able to trigger custom Macro. The problem is that when Macro is triggered (robot arm enters DCS zone) i get the PROG-040 Error and macro doesn't initiate any commands.

    My question is how can i overcome that problem and force my robot to pause main program when my it enters DCS zone and run macro subprogram ?

    Thank you in advance for your help and suggestion

  • The PROG-040 alarm is because you have a macro with motion enabled for group 1. you cannot trigger a macro while running with motion in it.

    I would try a skip label on your standard motions, and call a program/or jump to another section to change the robots path.

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