Restarting autostart.pc

  • Absolutely, determine which slot it was it operating in? 1-5 for D/E/F Con or 1-3 for C Controller?

    Via keyboard, or KCWin you need the PCEXECUTE command, followed by the 'slot' no. you wish to execute it in:
    PCEXECUTE 1:autostart.pc (this is for slot 1)
    PCEXECUTE 2:autostart.pc (this is for slot 2)

    Or go to Aux 0810 on D/E/F Controller and use the PCEXECUTE function in there, again choosing the relative slot no.

    Whilst were on the subject too:
    PCABORT 1:
    PCABORT 2: for Aborting the PC Program in the slot no.

    PCKILL 1:
    PCKILL 2: for removing the PC Program from the stack (PC Program window)

    PCEND 1:
    PCEND 2: for stopping a PC Program when it gets to the last step (ie 1 cycle, but ONLY if you are not running in any go to label or conditional loop)

    There are some others, but these are the usual ones...…….

  • You can also check during the motion program if the background programs are running.

    You can create a program something like this:

    .PROGRAM autostartcheck ()

    IF TASK(1001)<>1 THEN
    PCABORT 1:
    PCEXECUTE 1: autostart.pc


    This program you can call it in motion program on a certain steps, depends how you want. The autostart.pc is a nutshell and 1001 is the first background program.

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