This only works if "simple file sharing" is disabled, otherwise vxworks is not able to access the hard drive.

How to use khash.exe?
lomaxe -
July 30, 2019 at 9:40 AM -
Thread is Resolved
You are changing your minds like a flag changing direction depending on the wind.
Please explain exactly your current setup, what exactly you want to do, what you have achieved so far and where you got lost!
This could probably a base to start
hmm. You might be onto something SkyeFire..
Well, you should definitely ensure that no other computer is accessing that share by the same credentials before attempting NET USE, or KRL_MOUNT. NET USE /DELETE would dismount it from Windows before trying it from KRL.
I'm not sure what's going on here. I've done this in the past (though not with OL), and didn't have this kind of trouble.
just see my post #62
first it seems, he is having problems with the user and the user password
(dealing with the windows side you always have to use windows user and user passwords - decrypted)
One limitation could be number of user - he did not tell us.
For some reason i lost my glass ball (and bowl) - which makes help simply impossible
Well, you should definitely ensure that no other computer is accessing that share by the same credentials before attempting NET USE, or KRL_MOUNT. NET USE /DELETE would dismount it from Windows before trying it from KRL.
I'm not sure what's going on here. I've done this in the past (though not with OL), and didn't have this kind of trouble.
I definitely deleted before attempting with KRL. So far I have definitely been able to connect with net use and within windows explorer on the controller. KUKA have me constantly checking permissions on the folders, but if I can read/write on the drive via windows explorer, its obviously shared. I switched from OL to KRC Kss 8.3.28 as per previous posts.
You are changing your minds like a flag changing direction depending on the wind.
While I appreciate taking the time to help, this is just not the case. I have had one goal in mind since posting in this thread, successfully mount and create a file via krl_mount with the intention of writing to file, but have yet to succeed.
If you mean changing my mind in as in switching from OL to KR C, in my post 46 I clearly updated where I am and what I've attempted with results and current code.
I think the next step is to try another computer, perhaps there is some miscellaneous setting on my laptop, if the problem persists I can at the very least rule that out.
did u share ur file on the laptop to everyone? if so use the user kukauser and khash 68kuka1secpw59.
i did use vss 8.3.20 and didnt get to much trouble honestly
Thanks for the recommendation Joel, I'll check it shortly. I always used the login for a local user on the windows on the laptop where the folder was located.
So after a little time away from the controllers over Christmas break I jumped back on my problem of krl_mount not successfully mounting and creating a file. Thanks to a little back and forth with KUKA, I'm pretty sure we've found the miscellaneous setting in windows:
Under Windows Features > Turn Windows features on or off you have to ensure that SMB1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support is selected. Microsoft recommends its disabled for safety reasons, and it was definitely not selected on my machine.
Thanks for the help guys. -
Windows. Can't live with it, can't kill it.
Thanks for the update, that'll help people searching for the same issue in the future.
This only works if simple file sharing is disabled, otherwise vxworks is not able to access the hard drive.
just check the post #59
Interestingly enough I have tested on KSS 8.3.X and 8.7 controllers, but have yet to succeed with Office Lite. Its not a great hindrance, just means I am working side by side with controllers.