Hi Forum,
Please do forgive me if my request is a bit outdated and if what I am looking for has already been posted.
I really have tried to find this manual on this forum and generally on the net - no luck.
Does anyone have a technical manual for the Fujitsu Siemens D1688-K32 GS1 motherboard?
I have 'inherited' this Kuka robot with a KRC2 controller and am looking to use it on a project. The controller however is in bits and pieces and I need to to assemble/install and configure it.
The PC controller motherboard, case, power supply and plug in cards were supplied separately from a company in Germany which is no longer trading. (No hard drive - grrrr).
I am OK with assembling the controller but before I power up I need to check I have connected and configured everything correctly.
> BIOS battery could need changing
> I need Visual output to a standard PC screen to check all setups and not sure if I can get away with just a KVGA card - if that is working.
> I need to verify RAM and general status/settings of the motherboard - including certain capability.
> I need to check jumpers on the motherboard are correct - if needed.
> I need to check ports and what needs to be connected.
> There are some connectors wired into the case and I do not know where they are supposed to go.
> There are some connector points on the motherboard and I do not know what these are for.
> etc
Your help in locating this motherboard would be most appreciated.