Hello, my controller is R-J2 Robot 420-if. Our battery has unplugged and our system has down. We transfered the backup files as you see in the picture we restored from bmon screen. After that our system has come we can push the deadman switch. But we can't jog the robots and we have the following errors.
JOG-008 Turn On TP to Jog Error.

JOG-008 Turn On TP to Jog Error Help me ?
creater03 -
July 9, 2019 at 7:26 AM -
Thread is Resolved
If you have already reloaded the sysmast.sv then you can try to just reset the pulse coder alarm.
If Master/Cal is not there then Select Variables->Move to $MASTER_ENB->Set to one, Now you should have the Master/Cal optionNow reset the RES_PCA.
If this does not clear the alarms for you then the robot will need to be remastered and re calibrated (see manual).
Turn the key on the teach pendant to on and ensure the robot is in T1 (Key on the controller)My experience is with the R-30iB so there may be slight differences, I'm not fully sure but I doubt the differences will be vast.
I hope this helps -
Did you lose power to the robot while the battery was unplugged? If so you'll have to remaster either way. I'm assuming the batteries have been reconnected since this issue, correct? It's likely that you are unable to jog because of the battery alarm being active and also you may have lost the pulse to all six of your axis. Also remember after following BOTTECH's advice resetting the PCA fault you will need to then cycle power afterwards. It's at this point that if you haven't 100% fixed your battery issue then if you haven't lost encoder data yet, you will at this point.
First thanks your both answers. I'm quite unfamiliar to FANUC Robots.
Now we are having MCTL 003 error.
I've read that this error is kind of related with safety circuit.
We checked cables and LED status. They seem OK.
Can you give some advice?
No problem at all
The MCTL-003 error indicates that the system is in error status, if there are no other errors then this should be able to be cleared by hitting reset or by holding SHIFT and pressing RESET.
If following BOTTECH's advice on holding shift and hitting reset works to allow servo power then you could set System Variable $DMAURST to TRUE and then pulling the deadman will automatically clear SRVO-003 for you. I'm not %100 sure on what all faults are able to be automatically reset with this variable but I know it won't work on things like BZAL, BLAL, DETRR, ect.
We tried our chance but nothing changed.
The" MCTL-003 " error has nothing to do with the safety circuit. He tells you that you have to fix them first and then try robot movement because you already have other mistakes. There are other errors, and these, he says, prevent the robot from moving. RJ2 robots made me tired of being an electronicist. Looking at his name, I think he's in my country. I try to help.
We tried our chance but nothing changed.Byrol is correct in that "MCTL-003" is nothing to do with the safety circuit, it is just a general system error alarm so there must be something else causing the system to be in an error state.
If resetting didn't clear the errors then we will need some more information to what is going on.
Do you have any other errors or alarms, and if you do can you post what they are or some pictures of the pendant with the alarms showing. -
Thank you for all replies guys, it mean a lot for me.
We have clean most of the errors but still we have JOG-008 error. Also the remaining error codes attached below.
Thank you for all replies guys, it mean a lot for me.We have clean most of the errors but still we have JOG-008 error. Also the remaining error codes attached below.
No problem, here to help
There doesn't seem to be anything attached to your last post showing any other errors
I don't see any attachments either, but the JOG-008 is just this...
JOG-008 Turn on TP to jog
Cause: Teach pendant is not enable.
Remedy: Hold the DEADMAN and turn on the teach pendant before jogging the robot.
So whatever faults you meant to post in an attachment are probably what's holding you up on jogging the robot as well.
Sorry my fault
EDIT: removed duplicate image
Okay that explains some more of what is going on and why you may be getting your JOG 008.
Next time you are at the pendant turn the key switch fully to both sides just to make sure it engages properly because sometimes the key does not fully engage and can remain in an unknown state, once you feel it has engaged fully to the on position then try reset again, if it does not do anything then it will need to be replaced.
PRIO - 081 indicates that you have had an I/O initialisation fault on controller power up. You should check the log and it may help you diagnose it more specifically. Make sure all of your I/O is linked properly and that it matches what you have physically connected.
PRIO - 032 I'm not sure about, but maybe an error caused by the previous. Maybe SHIFT_LOCK can provide more support on that one
Okay that explains some more of what is going on and why you may be getting your JOG 008.Next time you are at the pendant turn the key switch fully to both sides just to make sure it engages properly because sometimes the key does not fully engage and can remain in an unknown state, once you feel it has engaged fully to the on position then try reset again, if it does not do anything then it will need to be replaced.
PRIO - 081 indicates that you have had an I/O initialisation fault on controller power up. You should check the log and it may help you diagnose it more specifically. Make sure all of your I/O is linked properly and that it matches what you have physically connected.
PRIO - 032 I'm not sure about, but maybe an error caused by the previous. Maybe SHIFT_LOCK can provide more support on that one
From what I understand PRIO-081 is like you said an I/O fault and looking it up tells me that it will likely be followed by a seperate alarm to specify what the exact issue is. I think that's why both PRIO faults are listed as #1.
PRIO-081 I/O is not initialized
Cause: This indicates that an severe error has occurred during I/O initialization at controller power-up. Other messages in the
log will indicate the specific problems.Remedy: Check other error messages displayed on the TP alarm screen. The conditions indicated by these messages need to be
corrected and the controller powered down and up before the robot can be used.Unfortunately none of my manuals cover PRIO-032 but they do cover PRIO-033, 34, and 35 which are all related to the PLC interface board being faulted/bad. And looking up the "Facility Name" of PRIO it's description is "Digital I/O Subsystem". So there is definetly an issue with your I/O setup/install/components I would say but i'm not sure what.
I hope this helps to at least guide you in the right direction.
If you can't sort the issue out and you have to contact Fanuc to get a replacement key switch anyway then mention the string error code following PRIO-032 to Fanuc because as SHIFT_Lock said this is likely a code specifying what is causing that particular I/O fault.
Your" PRIO "errors probably had a" Fanuc PLC " installed in your control cabinet earlier. This PLC configuration is now unreachable. So a PLC has been introduced, but that Plc is not available now. Complete Disassembled, not working, or may not be connected. But I don't think this mistake will stop the robot from moving. At least you can move the robot by holding down" Shift+Reset " and ignoring the error. The" SYST-037 " error means there are no UOP signals that should be present. Probably your remote switch is malfunctioning. You can open the control and control it by looking at the picture I sent you. You can experiment by temporarily short-circuiting cables for the" ON " position. The robot will not move without removing the" SYST " error.
We had a progress, we see "0" in our PC on the top left.
Guys thanks for your all replies. We are still trying. I will get these into account.
I'm truely grateful to all of you.