IRVision Visual Line Tracking

  • Hello to everyone!
    I'll tell you, I'm working with a fanuc r2000 with the IRVision Visual Line Tracking package. And it consists of a camera with a transporter. All good when executing the vision and the ofsset but when I get bad vision, I want you to deposit the piece without correction but I get an error.

    ERROR :CVIS-291.
    my code:

    CALL VSTKGETQ(`wa1`,1,100,1,1);
    IF R[1]=0 JMP LBL[2];
    IF R[1]=1 JMP LBL[3];

    JMP LBL[1];

    Label 2 and 3 are equal two points depose on the track, label 2 has the parameter VOFFSET, VR [1] and label 3 no.

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • CVIS-291: AckQueue before GetQueue
    In the visual tracking, before a workpiece is allocated with VSTKGETQ, VSTKGETQ is called.
    Modify your TP program so that AckQueue is called after workpieces are distributed by VSTKGETQ

    I think you modified the program and made a mistake. Check if the error is correct

    Retired but still helping

  • Thanks for your answer!
    I call at the beginning of the VSTKGETQ process.
    What I intend is that if the result of the vision is bad that I leave the piece without correction.

  • the process is to leave the piece on the conveyor. There is a camera on top of the conveyor and an encoder. When the vision recognizes the pattern there is no problem, but when it fails I want to leave the piece without correction.

    when it detects the piece it calls TP Depose_VKF6DA0.

    LBL [1]
    CALL VSTKGETQ (`wa1`, 1,100,1,1);
    IF R [1] = 0 JMP LBL [2]; !Process vision correct
    IF R [1] = 1 JMP LBL [3];

    JMP LBL [1];

    LBL 2;
    L P[1] 200mm/s fine VOFFSET,VR[1]
    CALL VSTKACKQ(`WA1`,1,1);


    LBL [3]

    L P[1] 200mm/s fine Offset,PR[26:OFF OPERATOR]

    CALL VSTKACKQ(`WA1`,1,1);


    tomorrow I will take the file in ascii to hang it here.

    Thanks so much!

  • Hello again!
    Is there any way that if the vision process is not good because you do not recognize the piece, go to it without correction but keep synchronized with the transporter?

    Thank you all

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