Hello all,
I'm trying to control a KUKA KR210 sixx through my laptop setup with the software TwinCAT 3.1.4022.29 and the library Tc3_mxAutomation v_3.0. Below is the following setup .
KRC4 controller X44(RJ45) --> EK1100 (RJ45 IN) --> EBUS --> EL6695-1001(BRIDGE IN)--> my laptop(windows 10 64bit)
In WorkVisual 5.0 I made the mxAutomation V2.1.6 catalog option map all the 256 bytes of I/O from 2049 to 4096. So the project was uploaded to the controller and it could be seen that mxAutomation was installed. The KUKA SMARTHMI show error KSS00203。So I think the config is done in kuka controller.
Then in TwinCAT 3.1 I started out by creating an array of the DWORDS which I then linked to the 256 I/O bytes by using the 'Change Multi Link' option. I show online data, Std.TxPDO_Map chanel 0 get “2432893266”, I check the KUKA SMARTHMI OUTPUT I/O from 2049-2080(1001 0001 0000 0011 0000 0001 0101 0010),It is correct。 I try write 2048 in Std.RxPDO-Map channel 0,the KUKASmartHMI INPUT I/O(channel 2060) $MOVE_ENABLE change to true. So at this point I believe that my laptop is connected with KUKA controller.
I run the mxAutomation function block 'KRC_ReadAxisGroup' without any problems. But KRC_Initialize refused to feedback Done. The KRC_ReadKRCError have ERRORID:509。
Did I miss something? If I cannot figure out this problem, I will be fired by company!
Thanks in advance.