the warm up mode only works with PTP moves, once a LIN move starts the Override go back to 100%
what can i do in order to reduce the speed/override in LIN moves??
kuka warm up mode
Cardison -
June 3, 2019 at 10:35 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Controller version?
Kss version?Please read "read first"
KSS 8.3.22
if you have multiple answers for any kss 8.3.xx comment it please -
There's nothing in the documentation for the warmup sequence that suggests LINs and PTPs are handled any differently.
What settings are you using to control the warmup sequence?
What are you seeing that makes you think the override is changing to 100% for LIN motions? Are you monitoring $OV_PRO directly? Does the robot actually move faster?