KR500-2-MT (KRC2/KSS5.6)
After reading several times the manual I am still confused about the purpose of the (EMT) mastering process and the impact of the payload on the mastering. Would someone confirm my understanding ?
A) The robot is moved near the mastering position by the operator. For that there are markers on the robot, one for each axis, and when all markers are aligned properly the robot is in its mastering position. For my robot, this position is the inverted L-shape $MAMES={0, -90, 90, 0, 0, 0}.
B) Using the EMT (or dial gauge), the robot is then moved very accurately to the mechanical zero position, successively for each axis in ascent order.
=> Thus, for each axis, the controller now knows what is the value of the motor increment corresponding to the axis angular value given in $MAMES ({0, -90, 90, 0, 0, 0} in my case).
I see mastering as the process of perfectly aligning the zero of the motors with a given mechanical position.
1) Does the payload influence the motor increment values at the mastering position ?
=> My intuition is that if the payload is heavy it deforms slightly the robot parts. Thus, to reach the same mechanical position with different loads we need to compensate a little on the motor increments. The compensation will be different from one load to another and this is the purpose of teaching the calibration offset for each load.
=> is there more math involved at the controller level than "simply" offsetting the motors zero position ?
2) Where is the mastering offset stored ? Is there a system variable for that ?
3) How is the mastering offset loaded ?
For instance calling BAS.Tool(tool_no) will set :