[Solution] Call a robotic application from a background application - Sunrise

  • Hi,

    I would like to run as background application a socket client and once a certain command is received it should start a Sunrise application. The idea is that I will be able to launch several of these applications according to the input that I read through the socket communication.

    As of now I did developed a normal application that starts the socket as a thread and then upon the received command it will start/pause or stop a certain function that contains a motion command. However, if the motion command starts to be more complex I should move to an implementation as described above.

    What do you think? Is that possible with Kuka Sunrise? If yes what do you suggest to do?

    Sunrise version:
    WoV version: 5.0.2

    Best regards,


  • You could run the socket listener in the main application (the one that is started from the smart pad) and when new commands are received you start different programs/classes. Remember that your application class that extends the RoboticsAPIApplication is just a Java class, all methods available in the context of the RoboticsAPIApplication can be imported manually in any other class.

    So the best way to do this is to create a class for each of your advanced sequence of motions and then simply pick whatever class you want when you receive a new command.

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