I recently use EKI to realize data exchange between KUKA and PC. I know that first there should be a .xml file to config the connection.
In the .xml file's <Send> part, there are many rows of code like:
<ELEMENT Tag ="Robot/Data/ActPos/@X"/>
<ELEMENT Tag ="Robot/Status"/>
<ELEMENT Tag ="Robot/Complex/Tickcount"/>
and so on...
to tell the robot which variation will be sent.
What I want to get from the robot is its current position. Although it is enough for me for now, I really want to know that is there a total list to tell me the correspondence between the XPath "Robot/..." and the system variations(or other properties of robot)?
Like Robot/Data/ActPos means $POS_ACT.
All those correspondence I know are learned from the examples in "KUKA.EthernetKRL 2.2" document.
I don't know where to find documents like this.
I am not an English native speaker and I'm not quite sure I express correctly, looking forward to replying and thank you so much