First off, i`m going to excuse myself for the long question and tell you that i`m a beginner in robotics, 6 months so i may be sounding ridiculous.
I`m trying to understand how and when i should adjust the speed and the CNT of the robot. Is kinda confusing with so many opinions floating around.
I personally stick with joint movements CNT 100 in 95 percent of the cases. except pick/place and welding points.
I hate linear movements because when you need a linear movement to avoid an obstacle you will almost never reach the desired speed, you will overdrive an axis and the robot will start making funny noises, and low CNT because from what i have seen when the robot slows down in that point (the welding gun, for example) is heavily affected by inertia.
For example, i had some linear movements with low CNT, and even if running the trajectory in manual without step the distance was more than 40 mm it was still colliding sometimes with the jig in auto. Modified with cnt100 and joint movements , and voila.. problem solved.
So, two questions.
1.How can i adjust the speed of a linear point to know that will not cause an axis collision? Or how can i know the speed at which i`m overdiving an axis
2.In my trajectories i use only joint movements with high CNT so often even i think is wrong.
Can someone tell me what is the best recipe and why?