Hi there,
I have to test a KPP1 from a costumer in our lab robot, so I changed the device fisically and I made the setting in Workvisual as recomended in Workvisual manual.
I ADD a KL in the project just to have a motor linked with KPP1 40.
But there are several error messages after I achive the eidted project.
KSS26101 - ECAT Agent: ECAT device VID=24776, PID=80, RNO=0 Invalid
KSS26100 - CF CORE: ECAT device VID=24776, PID=80, RNO=0 Invalid
KSS26253 - Supply initialization error.
KSS26159 - MOTOR DRIVER - CF: measuring channel with ID 1 incorrect configured
kss26086 - Internal error, motor driver: NextGen.cpp LINE 2377 INSTANCE 0
KSS00066 - Error in axis position from motor driver
I have alredy tryed to do every different configurarion in machine dat and nothing changes
WorkVisual 4.0
KR16 L8 HW
KSS 8.2.25