I'm using a KUKA kr10 1100sixx with compact krc4 running kss 8.3.35.
I'm having a really tough time with this problem.
I know from other robots (not kuka) that when PTP AXIS (AXIS is the AXIS type defined in KUKA), the robot should go explicitly to the angles I tell it for each joint.
However, sometimes, when I issue PTP AXIS in a middle of a program (usually in order to change the wrist position (a5 >0 to a5<0 for example) it moves in such a way to preserve the STATUS of the previous position.
It ignores the exact a is valus I give, and instead move to the position resulted from the axes I sent, but with different axes valus to keep the STATUS.
It's driving me nuts
I tried using PTP POS with different STATUS and TURN values, nothing works! The robots persist in keeping the last STATUS (a5 >0 to a5<0 for example).
All I just want is to PTP AXIS to work properly -> move each axis to the exact location It's given.
Does anyone know how to solve it?