I'm trying to setup my background logic program on an SR-6iA (v9.10P/11) from my pc (didn't splurge for the physical TP option), and I'm running into a snag. On the Background Logic setup screen, when i hit F4 [CHOICE] to select my program, nothing happens. No popup list of programs or anything. If I hit F2, F3, or F5 I get the "Program name is not set" message, and I can toggle Mode between Normal and High. I was able to setup and run the program in Roboguide, and all other functions between the jogging iPendant and physical robot are working. I'd appreciate any help I can get!
Scara BGLogic Setup
texas8709 -
December 4, 2018 at 7:14 PM -
Thread is Resolved
I pinged Fanuc tech support on this and all they responded with was "Open the Jogging iPendant (JITP), go to MENU -> SETUP -> BG LOGIC"
So if there's an issue, its not documented with them. Their tech support group most likely only simulates issues via Roboguide. Keep us posted if you find a fix. I've got an SR-3iA coming in tomorrow and would be curious in the resolution, so to avoid parallel suffering.
Luckily I found a work around. Funny that Fanuc tech was as helpful as always though.
But on the jogging ipdendant, i went to System>Variables>$MIX_BG. This contains MIX_BG_T [1] thru [8], representing the 8 background logic program slots. After going into the DETAIL screen, i was able to type out my program name in line 1 (_BGLOGIC in my case). On line 2, it seems a 2 represents Normal mode, a 4 represents High mode. And then for Status on line 3: 1 sets it to Stop, 2 sets to Running.
This appears to have worked perfectly for me, hopefully it'll help you out too -