Best practice : Dialog msg vs #Waiting msg

  • Hello,

    KRC2, KSS5.6, KR5002MT

    How do you advise to interact, at the KCP, to ask the user to make a choice or action : #waiting messages ? Dialog messages ?

    In my case I'm launching "actions" (predefined programs) from softkeys via UserTech / KFD. Each action can run only in a given $Mode_OP (T1, T2, AUT). When the action is launched and while the action is running, I need to check the current $MODE_OP. It the current mode is not the one that is required by the action to run, then I want to halt the program and ask the user to change the mode (through an interrupt). The execution is resumed when the selected mode is the one required by the action to run ... or the program is aborted.

    I can either :

      • Halt the program and display a #WAITING msg to ask the user to select the right mode. While waiting, I can monitor $MODE_OP and automatically clear the msg if it changes to the right mode. I the user "simulate" the message but $MODE_OP is still invalid I abort the program

      • Do basically the same thing but through a dialog message ...

    Any preferences you would advise ?

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