An exception occurred while getting the javadoc for imported projects

  • Hello,

    I am trying to set up a new project in sunrise workbench from a directory cloned from a Git repo. The import works fine, but, I get a
    "an exception occurred while getting the javadoc" in the new project.

    Reinstalling / repairing the sunrise installation did not help. Any help is appreciated.


  • I have no idea what happend and what the problem/solution is but the Sunrise WorkBench is just an adapted eclipse (I am not sure, but I think it is Indigo / 3.7). So probably this can help you to find a solution.

  • Thank you for the response - turns out the project name is part of the java-doc links. I changed the name of the project when I cloned the Git repo. Renaming the project to the original name fixed ths issue.

  • Thank you for the response - turns out the project name is part of the java-doc links. I changed the name of the project when I cloned the Git repo. Renaming the project to the original name fixed ths issue.

    When you want to Change the project name, do it on Sunrise Workbench. Click on the project file, then press your keyboard's "F2" and you have the windows to rename it.

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