Print/Save PNS List in Roboguide

  • Hello,

    Does anyone know a way to print the program list, either to hard copy or text file? I have Roboguide as well as access to the TP. All I'm trying to do is save myself the hassle of writing the list out by hand.

    I'm currently using Vim to view individual files, but what I want is to just see a list of the programs, as though I hit "select" on the TP. I'm going through each program, and I want a simple way to make a checklist.


  • If you have the robot on the network then you can use FTP to generate a file list.

    In command prompt:
    FTP <ip address of robot>
    dir *.tp <filename.txt to save list to>

    You can use 'lcd' command to see where the local file will be saved.

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