The internal IO you are referring to is the 1KP relay outputs and the 1KB/1RB inputs I've been referring to.
That's what I understood and saw ... but do they use the same addresses (eg 1,2,3, ..., 32 and 1001, 1002, ..., 1032) for both boards? For example, if I want to use output 9 of the 1HW board with the "signal 9" command, how do I know where to execute it? I'm waiting for a signal on 1HW and it activates my output on 1KP .... I say this in the context in which I ran the FOR loop ... if I use the OPENI / CLOSEI commands it's something else, I expect it to activate my output on the 1KP board. ..I'm wrong somewhere?
Do you suggest me to disable the built-in IO from Aux 0610?