Taking Screenshot using R30iB Controller iPendant

  • Hello friends,

    I am trying to take a screenshot of the ipendant screen to make some how-to documents. When using the Function, 0, 3 an error is received that says "055 MC not detected".

    I also tried a different way i saw in another thread, "or if you want an image screenshot like on windows or in your Smartphone
    you can connect to the web server of the Robot and click on "Other files available on MD:"

    you will get a new html page, click on "TPSCRN.ZIP" (TP Screen PNG & LS files), this zip file contain the current Screen view of your Teach Pendant (PNG file 640x480 px) and the matching text (LS file)"

    the TPSCRN.ZIP does not exist in "Other files available on MD:"

    Any idea how I can get some screenshots?


  • Try a USB plugged into the door. Small size USB drives (2 or 4 GB) seem to work better.

    In every case, you must first set your device within the File window (and you can also make directories there, if you wish.)

    1. Plug in your USB on the Controller door
    2. Navigate the MENU to the File window
    3. Press F5 [UTILS] and choose Set Device
    4. Choose UD1:
    5. If desired, press F5 [UTILS] again to Make DIR (create a directory instead of saving to the root of UD1: )
    6. Now navigate to whatever window you would like to have a screenshot of
    7. Use the FCTN key as you did before to print the screen that is showing

    Good luck

  • Thank you, before I give this a try, does this cause a change I need to reverse so I don't affect any existing settings?

    These are production machines, I dont want to cause an issue

  • No. This does not cause any changes that you would need to reverse.

    But your concerns might be minimized by first conducting a standard “All of the Above” backup.
    Doing a standard backup just never hurts anyone or anything. Never.

    On occasion, the Teach Pendant will “lock up” when attempting to take backups, or to print screens. This does not stop production, and can be fixed at a convenient time with a normal re-start.

  • Just an FYI. It will only create 1 file (TPSCRN.LS). So if you take 5 screenshots, it will be 1 file with all 5 screenshots. They will go in order from top to bottom. So don't expect 5 different screenshots.

    Unless of course you delete the file before every screenshot.

    I usually use roboguide to make my screenshots if I need them.

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