SRVO-401 Safety comm. error

  • Hey guys!

    I need some assistance with a i2000 that we recently bought from FANUC, they send us instructions to activate the Ethernet and I followed them step by step. We successfully had the Ethernet options but when we wanted to move the robot manually, it appears the alarm: SRVO-401 Safety comm. error.

    Has someone had this error already that can help me?

    Best Regards :hi-bye:

  • Code
    SRVO-401 CIP Safety comm. error %x,%x
    Cause:  CIP Safety communication error occurs.
    Remedy:  Check CIP Safety connection. Please set CIP Safety to bypass in DCS screen when safety PLC is not available but
    robot must move in standalone mode.



    Then select BYPASS and APPLY changes and restart the robot.

    This will allow you to move the robot.

    You can ENABLE it after you will setup communication with PLC

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