Hi everybody. I just started programming Fanuc for assembly line for VW. There is a VAG installed on the controller (V8.23 - fresh new one). I have a problem with using PR[..]. I record 3 position i PR, and then I want to use them in my UP program, but when I am testing a path a have a problem to go from PR[...] to P[..] beacuse of tool frame number mismatch. So I double checked the tool I use when recording PR and when teaching a position. They're the same. The only difference is that when I look under position details I can see the exact nunmber of UT, and GP1UF used, and under PR details i see UT: F and GP1UF: F.
I read in manual that the F means that position is record with actual frame and tool settings. But still don't know why it's not working.
What should I do to make it work? Does anyone has similar problem?