Have been working with this cell for months, all of a sudden i got to open it as well as backups and it hangs up and crashes while 'Creating or recreating Virtual Robot Simulator'. As its trying to reserialize the robot in the cell. If i close out of this then I get an error message as shown in the pics. Any help with this? I have sent all the info to Fanuc Roboguide support, I always get a very generic answer back and usually no follow up after they send their initial 'help' email. All my other cells open up no problem.
Roboguide Help! Can no longer open up cell!
August 9, 2018 at 3:07 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Try going into the savepoints folder of that workcell & opening up earlier instances. You may lose some information but hopefully you'll be able to get it open to resave. I know it's saved me in the past where something seems to have been corrupted.
Ive tried that as well and same thing
What is the version of Your Roboguide, and the options installed in your robots?
When you close the cell, Roboguide didn't ask you if it can "clean" the cell?
I had the same issue.
What worked for me was to uninstall my anti-virus.
I run on Window 10.
It never happen again
This happened for me as well. The first thing i did, was to reinstall Roboguide. After a while, that was not so funny anymore, so instead of clicking the Roboguide icon, i clicked the HandlingPRO icon instead and it works.
If that does not work, load one of the savepoints.
I had the same problem, in my case I am running Win10 that is not compatible with the version V7.7 that I was trying to open.
I'm not sure if this would work at all, but I will suggest it anyways. First off, make sure you have some kind of backup of your robot (the backup.dt file). Go into the Robot Neighborhood and then delete that robot in question. Then perhaps you would be able to load into the workcell and you can then create a new controller with a backup file? Just throwing something at the wall to see if it sticks...