Does anyone know how to change the robot mode in Roboguide? I would very much like to put the simulation in AUTO. Im running a collision test program which takes a very long time and I don't want to hold SHIFT the entire time.
Thanks a bunch!
Does anyone know how to change the robot mode in Roboguide? I would very much like to put the simulation in AUTO. Im running a collision test program which takes a very long time and I don't want to hold SHIFT the entire time.
Thanks a bunch!
In roboguide: Robot --> Web Broswer --> SOP
Thanks SimonPL! My computer is unfortunatly under strick security regulations when it comes to internet/web browsers, so im not able to open any kind of browers
I found an easy solution though: Instead of using your keyboard for holding SHIFT, you can press (mouse) on SHIFT on the virutal TP and it will be held down!
To start roboguide program in Auto mode, click play button in toolbar. It will start currently selected program,
If you're in edit mode, you can single-click on the shift button to toggle it on (or off). Then click forward (or use the home key)