KAREL compiler without roboguide?

  • Hey guys!
    Is there a way to compile KAREL without roboguide? I do not need the robot planning and simulation capabilities of roboguide and so would rather not pay for that whole suite. Ideally I would like a free command line tool to compile .kl plain text files to .pc executables I can manually load onto my controller.

    From https://www.robot-forum.com/ro…-know-karel-is-installed/:


    to build I use the ktrans command line which comes installed with ROBOGUIDE (you can install the trial version and the command will work even without a license)

    As I understand it there is a free trial version of roboguide that comes with the ktrans command line utility... that would be perfect but I cannot find such a download on the Fanuc website. Anyone know where I can get my hands on this trial version, and if not, how I can get the KAREL compiler by itself?


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