Best way to get tp files out of roboguide?

  • Hey guys,

    I took an existing robot backup and put it into roboguide and made a couple changes to a program. I wanted to export the TP file to my computer so I can load it onto my robot again. I did a backup in the virutal robot, in a folder with a certain name. I then did a search for the folder name on my laptop and found the file, however it was not the right one when I loaded it back into my robot. It was still the unchanged one. Am I doing this right?


  • You don't need to backup the virtual robot. Here is the procedure:

    1. Save Roboguide
    2. In Roboguide at the top press Tools>'your cell name' Folder (this is a shortcut to where that workcell is saved)
    3. In the folder, Savepoints>most recent save date>Robot #> Get your .tp files here

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