Automatic archive plugin provide periodic archive on KRC4 system. This plugin integrated as SmartHMI and you can configure easly on KUKA HMI.
You can use example 1 hour. Robot will take backup from system hourly. This plugin is demo and you can use only 24 hour. If you want to buy full version please contact to me.
Configuration template:
You can Access to plugin with configuration menu
Last Backup: This component show last archive date.
Today:This component show now date.
Next Backup:This component show programmed next archive date.
Archive Path:You can configure automatic archive paths from registry. This paths must be set with KRC Configurator.
Backup Period: For example 1 hour. Every hour plugin will make archive to archive path.
Backup Now: Make new archive to Archive path.
Save:Save changed settings.
EN/DE/TR:Supported languages English, German and Turkish. You must be restart controller for language change. Default language as English.
.zip file include setup script, default XML settings and plugins. This is first release if you have any problem do not hesitate contact to me.