Torque sensor not referenced - PositionAndGMSReferencing

  • Hi!

    Sorry to bother you guys, but i have a rookie question.
    I would like help on the following subject : I have a warning about my torque sensor. They are not referenced.
    I tried to use the PositionAndGMSReferencing program that is proposed in Sunrise, but the warning doesn't vanish at the end of it.
    There are no problems with that program : he is able to return at the home position at the end, without a warning message on the logger.

    My problem is that I still have the warning "Torque sensor not referenced". (The warning about Position sensor dissapeared after that manipulation, but not the one with Torque sensor)
    What should I do ? Is there anything to change inside it ?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Run the example application "GMS-referencing" or "JTS-referecencing" or something like that. But you should do that without a tool.

    Hi, thanks for your answer. I don't have any exemple application name like that. The only ones i have in lbrExempleApplications package are :
    - Impedance,
    - MechanicalZeroPosition,
    - Motions,
    - TransportPosition,

    Yesterday i tried to use "PositionAndGMSReferencing" application, without sucess toward the torque sensors.

  • Hi, i solved my problem.

    I just needed to do two things :
    - Passing my tool in safety related,
    - Adding/attach tool to the robot in the application "PositionAndGMSReferencing".
    I can now use ESM which needed torque sensors references.

    Best regards,

  • Hello, I have the same problem with "Torque sensor not referenced" error. I ran example couple of times on the IIWA 14 R820 but issue still remained. I declared my tool MediaFlange as safety-oriented tool with radius...but basically I have no weight or other tool mounted on the robot then default on MediaFlange Touch pneumatic.

    I also altered the by adding the


    command to attach the safety-oriented tool. Even did Load data determination, but no luck with "Torque sensor not referenced".

    Everything else works ok, I did handguinding program with touchup-ing points with green button on the MediaFlange.

    Now I would like to use Collision Detection and etc... but for that Torque sensors need to be referenced.

    Any idea why they don't want to be referenced? :icon_smile:

    The robot is mounted upside down (CEILING) if anything has to do with that.

  • Your mounting position should be not be the problem as long as it is configured correspongingly in the station setup (manual Chapter 13.14.2).
    The manual mentions what you have to care about when you are trying to reference your system.

  • I experience similar issue on torque referencing randomly which is solved by running "PositionAndGMSReferencing".
    However, I receive "position sensor not referenced" almost every time I turn on the robot. Do we have to run "PositionAndGMSReferencing" on every startup?
    The mediaflange dynamic parameters is not included in the system from the factory?
    Are you sure if we have to use mediaFlange.attachTo(lbr_iiwa.getFlange()); ?

  • The robot loses it's torque and position reference every time you power off the controller. That's expected behaviour. When doing position referencing, not only do you have to pass the 0 degree position of each joint but you have to do so at a velocity lower than 30 degrees per second for each joint.

    For the torque referencing your tool must be safety related and load data must be correct. There should also be no dynamic force such as dresspacks, liquid containers etc acting on the robot during the referencing

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