Hi !
I've been struggling with an issue for some time with my plasma setup : given the irregularities of the steel plates and the support grating, it is important to have a real-time control over the torch height above the workpiece.
On my Hypertherm Powermax 65, I have an output which gives me a divided tension : tension between the torch and the workpiece divided by some value (contolled by jumpers).
At first, I thought I could use this as an analog input in my KRC2 to change the tool "X" value during the execution of the program, but never found how to do it.
If it is at all possible, that would be the most simple and elegant solution.
Instead, I was advised to add an axis with a stepper motor on the toch support ; something similar to this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ik8vx6xlNA , albeit a bit less neet.
The problem that I found is that these devices are not autonomous. They need a NC to trigger them and reset height to a nominal value after each cutting cycle.
I could see the torch moving up and down to adjust for a bended steel plate, but from part to part, I ended up reaching the hardware limit of my rail.
On a 3 axis tables, this "reset" job is done by the system's NC, but I'm not sure how I could manage that with the KRC2.
Any ideas ?