MCTL–013 NONE ENBL input is off

  • How does one clear this error from an RJ2 system? I've done it before, but it's been quite some time and I can't remember what I did.

    The robot is a S420iW that is currently not equipped with anything. No too, safety measures (it's all been jumped), or UOP.

  • Yeah, that's the thing though is that there is no UOP.

  • Menu - I/O - Type, does not have UOP listed? :hmmm:

  • My apologies! It most certainly does have UOP listed. What I meant is that we are not using UOP for anything at the moement, and are only trying to jog the robot.

  • There is a system variable.


    When disabled, the controller ignores UI[1] - UI[18] and this should allow you to jog.

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