IO Configuration and Setting Auto Operation

  • Hello Dear Friends,
    I am working on one fanuc robotic station. R-30iB Mate controller is used. In that, peripheral IOs are configured using simple allocation method. All four PNS inputs are used (as there are four master programs running over there )for automatic operation of the robot. I want to add two more master programs as two more welding fixtures are being added to the station. How can I set up the automatic operation of calling the program as PNS1, PNS2, PNS3,PNS4 all are used and simple assignment of UIOs is done.

  • In your comment you state "all four PNS inputs are used".

    PNS inputs are a binary code, so 4 inputs gives you 2^4 combinations, or 16 different programs. (In addition to that PNS can have a base number added to give you thousands of different program calls, but you shouldn't need that.)

    By "simple allocation" and that fact that you mention 4 PNS inputs, I assume you are using the hardwired CRMA15 connection with Auto assignment. In reality there is a possibility of up to 8 PNS inputs, but the way you have it wired gives you default access to only 4, which is still more than you need.

  • I have some thoughts in mind but I get lost on "simple allocation" What is that ? I never heard that terminology in Fanuc

    Actually there are two types of UOP assignment. Full assignment and simple assignment. In full assignment, all peripheral IOs can be used i.e., eighteen input physical signals and twenty output physical signals can be used while in simple allocation, only eight input physical signals and four output physical signals can be used. Due to this, in simple assignment , the number of signals that can be used for DIo can be increased (As there are reduced inputs and outputs than in the case of full assignments ).

    Thanks for the info.

  • In your comment you state "all four PNS inputs are used".

    PNS inputs are a binary code, so 4 inputs gives you 2^4 combinations, or 16 different programs. (In addition to that PNS can have a base number added to give you thousands of different program calls, but you shouldn't need that.)

    By "simple allocation" and that fact that you mention 4 PNS inputs, I assume you are using the hardwired CRMA15 connection with Auto assignment. In reality there is a possibility of up to 8 PNS inputs, but the way you have it wired gives you default access to only 4, which is still more than you need.

    Thank you HawkME for this clarification as I had completely forgotten that PNS inputs are a binary code. I was assuming it like RSR itself. Now I have few more doubts as I went through the basic operations manual of R30iB mate controller regarding IO configuration. In the robot station where I am working, IO configuration is made as follows.

    # Range Rack SLOT START STATUS
    1 DI[ 1-80 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    2 DI[ 81-88 ] 48 1 21 ACTIV
    3 DI[ 89-100 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    4 DI[ 101-120 ] 48 1 1 ACTIV
    5 DI[ 121-512 ] 0 0 0 UNASG

    # Range Rack SLOT START STATUS
    1 DO[ 1-80 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    2 DO[ 81-84 ] 48 1 21 ACTIV
    3 DO[ 85-100 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    4 DO[ 101-120 ] 48 1 1 ACTIV
    5 DO[ 121-512 ] 0 0 0 UNASG

    # Range Rack SLOT START STATUS
    1 UI[ 1-1 ] 35 1 1 ACTIV
    2 UI[ 2-2 ] 48 1 1 ACTIV
    3 UI[ 3-3 ] 35 1 1 ACTIV
    4 UI[ 4-4 ] 48 1 22 ACTIV
    5 UI[ 5-5 ] 48 1 2 ACTIV
    6 UI[ 6-6 ] 48 1 3 ACTIV
    7 UI[ 7-7 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    8 UI[ 8-8 ] 48 1 4 ACTIV
    9 UI[ 9-12 ] 48 1 5 ACTIV
    10 UI[ 13-16 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    11 UI[ 17-17 ] 48 1 9 ACTIV
    12 UI[ 18-18 ] 0 0 0 UNASG

    # Range Rack SLOT START STATUS
    1 UO[ 1-1 ] 48 1 1 ACTIV
    2 UO[ 2-5 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    3 UO[ 6-6 ] 48 1 2 ACTIV
    4 UO[ 7-8 ] 0 0 0 UNASG
    5 UO[ 9-9 ] 48 1 3 ACTIV
    6 UO[ 10-10 ] 48 1 4 ACTIV
    7 UO[ 11-20 ] 0 0 0 UNASG

    Now DI[101-120] are mapped with start number 1 with rack 48 means DI[1] = physical connection number 1, DI[2] = physical connection number 2, DI[3] = physical connection number 3 and so on. But in UI configuration, UI[2] is also mapped with start number 1 with rack 48 itself. How it is possible?
    Don't these signals overlap? Same question about other UIs.

    What I know is start point means the physical connection/position (on the modular IO board) of the first port in a range of i/ps or o/ps and valid start points are 1,9,17,25 etc. i.e., for eg if IO config is as follows:

    DI[129-148] 0 1 1
    It means DI[129] = physical connection number 1, DI[130] = physical connection number 2, DI[131] = physical connection number 3 and so on....
    Am I going with the right approach with this understanding of IO configuration?
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • You can map multiple inputs to the same rack/slot/start point. When that physical input comes on, then anything mapped to it will be on. So in your config below, you have DI's and UI's that are both controlled by the same physical input. I have personally never had a reason to do so, but it doesn't hurt anything.

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