With the password level configuration, there is the option to restrict the operator's ability to jog the robot, but no way listed in the manual to completely prohibit them from moving it, likewise with speed, they can be limited such that they can not lower the speed below 80%, but nothing documented to limit it further.
<PWD level="0" const="20" access="0"/> (Prohibits w,p,r jogging, but allows x,y,z)
<PWD level="0" const="21" access="0"/> (Can not lower speed below 80%)
They list every constant from 1 to 23. Does anyone know if there are constants beyond 23 which may restrict all movement, or maybe a system variable which effects how restrictive these are? It is not critical to our operation, but as we work toward implementing this system, i need to be able to say with certainty, one way or the other, if these limits can be put in place, because someone will suggest we use them.