I'm a newbie to this machine so pls excuse if i don't hit all the bases.
During install of EE (air switch), tech shorted R01 to 24v. Popped 3A "suitcase" fuse couple of times but now machine is permanently faulted.
a. "Power down to recover..." message shown on TP after initial software load on power-up.
b. 3v, 24v, and SRVEMG LED's on Servo Amp blink at about 90hz rate WHILE observing what sounds like a relay clicking at same rate.
c. Shift>Deadman stops LED blinking and kills SVREMG LED but machine in error state.
c. WE note error SRV-058 Init error on error log.
d. I see light (Red) in fiber cable when cable is plugged into motherboard & detached from servo amp - but - No red on opposite strand when looking at the cable when attached to servo and detached from mother. Fiber cable was rung out and it appears to be good. Cable is soft mounted on non-moving parts so movement is minimal.
Pushing my luck: We have a document "B-82725EN-2/06" that shows the connections to the EE. The diagram shows a PNP transistor on the EE end with 24v, R01, and Load legs. Can someone tell me if this is in the EE unit or it should be added outside the robot circuitry. Per above, tech attempted to install transistor into the circuit and possibly reversed the 24v and R01 on the transistor, ?possibly sending the load voltage back into the R01 pin?
Thanks everyone - the forum has been a lifesaver.
Any comments VERY welcome.