Error Tool FDT

  • Hi there...I have a question about a problem I've encountered when I generate the code and then trying to download a program into the robot.

    The messages are these:

    09:33:21 Il tool "Fdt" ha rilevato un problema all'apertura del progetto attuale!
    09:33:28 R1: XmlGeneration.NoConfigFilesAvailable
    09:33:30 Errore sconosciuto nella creazione della configurazione dei dati macchina.

    In english shuld be correct this form:

    The "Fdt" tool has detected a problem when opening the current project!
    R1: XmlGeneration.NoConfigFilesAvailable
    Unknown error in creating the machine data configuration.

    Now these are my spec. :

    Windows 10, Processor: I7-6500 CPU 2.50 Ghz,RAM 8 GB.

    Workvisual: KUKA.WorkVisual 4.0;WorkVisual_V4.0.26_Build0312

    KUKA ROBOT: KRC4 V8.3.33

    I have problem to download only in this way. When i try to download in View-->Programming and diagnosis, it works (cause i do not have to generate none code i think).
    Anyone can help me?
    Thanks for your time.

  • You need to provide more details about your robot setup.

    But I think You don't have all the files (KOPs, Device Descriptions files and so on) installed within Your WorkVisual.

    But, If You want only to download a program, You can do it through WorkOnline option (If You have a newer robot), or simply copying it from PC to robot controller with an USB stick, for example.

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