Hello, I am programming a few robots using a KR C4 controller that are brand new/commissioned by Kuka within the last year - I can get software version, etc details if needed, sorry don't have them on hand - but my problem is that I don't seem to be able to see any of the more advanced programming commands. There's PTP and LIN but not PTP_REL or LIN_REL, it has some logic commands like Wait/Waitfor but not GO TO, LOOP, etc.
I've read through the expert program manual and it doesn't say there's any specific way to access them, I've changed the mode to Expert and that doesn't help. Is there a variable I need to switch to open up the access to these commands or do they actually have a base version programming software with minimal commands so I need to upgrade? Can they only be used in offline programming? I've programmed a lot of ABB, Fanuc, Nachi, and but just some basic handling of Kuka so maybe there's just something simple that I'm missing?
Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Missing program commands?
robotONT26 -
May 9, 2018 at 7:06 PM -
Thread is Resolved
commands listed under COMMAND menu are inline forms. those are easily inserted into program and editor ensures syntax is correct before instruction is added to code.
anything else is typed in manually. this requires expert level and program must be OPEN instead of SELECTed. editor does not care what you type. when file is saved, compilation attempt is made. if ok everything is good, program can be selected and run as usual. if there is a problem, program will marked with red X and info will be shown about lines that are not ok. Those would have to be edited until program is error free.
Thanks for the help!
When I went to do this I still ran into issues because in the programming manual that I have the examples show the use of round brackets (x 50) for example, which gave me syntax errors but the error given was saying that it was expecting brackets ( ). Which doesn't make any sense since they are being used lol luckily I was able to find another topic on here where you give examples using { } brackets which managed to correct the syntax, so double thanks are owed